Wenn Ich Tanze, Wackelt die Welt Poster

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About the movie

Wenn Ich Tanze, Wackelt die Welt: Directed by Otto Reuschel. With Najib Abidi, Emmanouela Dolianiti, Jörg Petzold. Najib, Manu And Jörg have been living in Berlin for many years and are still struggling with the nature of the city. While wandering around Kreuzberg at dawn, a curious person follows the characters in their (un)likely encounters. A chaotic bubble of different perspectives, destinies, languages and cultures floats into the everyday life of Berlin at the edge of night and day.

Release Date 2020-11-13
Director Otto Reuschel
Starring Najib Abidi, Emmanouela Dolianiti, Jörg Petzold
Writers Najib Abidi, Emmanouela Nikoli-Dolianiti, Jörg Petzold
Genres Short

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Wenn Ich Tanze, Wackelt die Welt Poster
Wenn Ich Tanze, Wackelt die Welt Poster

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